The Route on foot

¿Qué es un GR o un Gran Recorrido?

GR (Gran Recorrido in Spanish) is the name given to trails of tourist and scenic interest of at least 50 km in length which take more than a day to cover on foot.

Furthermore, the characteristics of these footpaths must allow their use by most users throughout the year. This type of trail may also have associated links, branches and alternative routes, which will be marked using the GR colour code.

GR long-distance trails are blazed using characteristic markings, consisting of a white stripe above a red strip, which are usually painted on tree trunks, rocks or specific signposts accompanied by the initials GR.

The allocation of numbering in Spain is the responsibility of the Spanish Mountain Sports and Climbing Federation (FEDME). However, each regional and/or territorial federation is responsible for administering the part of the trail that runs through its territory. The officially recognized trail forms part of a network of local, regional and/or territorial footpaths and must meet specific requirements regarding its layout and signposting.


The GR 100 Ruta Vía de la Plata is an officially recognized trail that is signposted to a major extent.

All stages in Asturias have been officially recognized and signposted in their entirety.

In Castile and León, a stretch in the province of Salamanca is officially recognized and signposted

The course of the route through Extremadura is pending official recognition and signposting with GR markings. In this region, the route has its own signage: see

In Andalusia, the trail is marking with official recognition and signposting GR, except the stage Castilblanco de los Arroyos – Almadén de la Plata.
